Monday, January 26, 2009

Realage test

I am 21 this year and my Realage test indicates that I am actually 23.6 years old.

The report states that the reason I am older was because I wasn't healthy enough. Personally, I think that my current lifestyle is pretty unhealthy. I have irregular sleeping hours, I drink alot of coffee to perk myself up during the day and I am addicted to coffee. Without coffee I would experience headaches and lethargy as my withdrawal symptoms. However, when I drink coffee, I tend to eat much less afterwards. IT makes me lose my appetite. I personally don't really care about my blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels. I believe that even though they might be really high or low, I would not exclude salt, fats, sugar, protein or whatever I have to cut down in my diet. I believe in living life to its fullest and as long as I am not doing drugs or smoking I should be pretty healthy. I also tend not to eat unhealthy foods as much. I eat vegetables every single day and I dont know why my report says I don't eat enough vegetables. I love fruits too. I often eat frozen yoghurt from pinkberry or robeks or ce fiore. I LOVE THEM. I dont think theyre healthy though. They are super sweet and screams diabetes but I love them. The tartness and sweetness combination is extremely addictive for me. Stress levels could be high or low for me depending on the events that happen. I am in a long distance relationship so sometimes it is pretty frustrating. my stamina used to be very high. I used to be able to run for 1hr and 30 minutes non-stop on the treadmill at a speed of 8.5 miles per hour. this was when i was 18. I don't go to the gym anymore and havent been there for 1.5 years. I actually lost weight without exercising. must have been all muscle mass. I think the realage website is not very accurate because some of the questions are structured answers and the amount of food and the things that I do are not identical every single week. I tend to like eating a whole tub of haagen daz ice cream too occasionally [not everyday!] but theres no way the realage website would know that. I have eaten a whole cake while watching a movie at home. [not a whole slice, a whole cake!]  however, the next day I totally lost all of my appetite and barely ate anything. everytime i see food i run away, especially the sweet ones. I have fainted once because of my low blood pressure and I have done blood tests every single year. Last year my hepatitis antibody was off the charts. It was 5 times of my sister's. My brother's was 0 and he had to be vaccinated again. After taking the Realage test, I would most likely not change my lifestyle. I have a relative who lived till 120 years old and died of old age. I believe that as long as you're happy, you will live longer. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dolly,
    You are right that the questions asked in RealAge cannot capture what you do all the time so it cannot provide feedback. You also cannot ask it questions. Who knows, maybe in the future, these types of assessments can be much more interactive and give a more complete picture. You definitely have a strong family history of living long and you appear to have a balanced approach to life. Some people can worry so much over making healthy food choices that their worry defeats the purpose of a healthy diet.
